This is an alternative space from my website. I plan to share behind the scene images of a working sign shop, detailed stages of production, techniques & processes, how things work, or how I've made them work for me anyway. I design and build signs, it's commercial art, each is an art project. I strive to keep them unique and different. This keeps it interesting and challenging for me and gives the client a unique project. Hopefully you find this interesting and perhaps educational. There may be wonderful mishaps, paint spills, or some whacked effects gone awry. Stuff happens, art happens, I occasionally step back and just smile (and grab a camera). Often the garbage generated is art in itself. I have archives of photos and will randomly choose some to share. They may, or may not be current work. Enjoy. - Brad

Saturday, October 15, 2011

American Dream background panels

I love gradients. I love blending colors. You'll see a lot of blended color in my work, done with spray guns, brushes, rollers, squeegees, any tool I can conjure to apply paint; here being a sponge. I'm working on a 'lazy susan' to get double radial gradient. Notice the Dixie cups with stepped shades of paint. I'm blending each cup to the next, white all the way to the darkest green. After the first layer is dry, I apply a vinyl paint mask of concentric circles, designed on the computer and cut on the plotter. Next using the same paint, repeat the same steps while slightly shifting the gradient. Unmask and voila. 

2 opposing dual radial gradient sponge blends.


Jana said...

How cool is this? Gradients & a blog too! yay - go Brad!

cindy said...

Not sure when you are going to check this, but thought I'd pass on a Happy Birthday greeting! Hope you are well and you got in some play time!
Love ya!